Butterscotch or Vanilla?

Have you ever smelled a Ponderosa Pine tree? If you haven’t, you don’t know what you’re missing. Besides communing with nature and the sense of balance it gives, you’re missing their aromatic smell. Ponderosa Pines are the state tree of Montana and we’ve sniffed their bark for a couple of years now ever since we learned that they smell like either butterscotch or vanilla. They really do smell sweet, so it was no surprise to catch M and E with their noses up against a tree out at the Libby Dam boat launch last Sunday.
Does this smell like vanilla or butterscotch?
Montana’s Wide Open Big Sky Country

It’s been unseasonably warm and sunny under the big sky, so we took a day trip out west. We didn’t have to travel far to be reminded that this little city of Kalispell with all of its modern conveniences sits in the middle of nowhere. For many miles, no gas stations or convenience stores tarnished the view. The countryside was dotted with cattle ranches and horses amongst sweeping hills and snowcapped peaks.

As expected at this time of year, the Libby Dam was closed for tours as well as the roadside museum. But we did get a good dose of sunshine and a chance to smell the pines.

Libby – City of Eagles
 Today’s beautiful photographs presented by my lovely daughter, Eileen.
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  • Ticks, Elk, Buffalo and More! An adventure story about a visit to The National Bison Range where the Rocky Mountain Kids smell a Ponderosa Pine, among other things.

See ya out west somewhere,

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