September in Review – A Last Hike, Grouse for Dinner, Harvesting Potatoes

Summer is always so fleeting and most often I feel I don’t do enough. The month of September created a sense of urgency to prepare for winter and do the things I wanted to do over summer, but didn’t get around to…like practicing more with my bow.


Our last hike in the park before winter didn’t fail to please. The awe-inspiring landscape of the Highline Trail made me feel wondrous, and I never tire of its magnificence. The trail was busy with tourists and wildlife communing with one another. Soon snow and frigid temperatures would turn the land into a harsh winter environment.


A grouse flew into our window creating a loud crash and a purple splatter on our window. This was how our cat, Wes, came to have raw, free-range, Oregon-grape fed grouse for dinner. It was the purrfect meal.


We harvested all of our potatoes in September. I wasn’t sure what to expect with growing potatoes, but I learned a lot and it was a very rewarding experience. I can hardly explain the thrill of digging up the earth to find them. A fellow gardener compared it to a treasure hunt. And so it was!


September collage

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