It’s May and I know to bring hats, coats, and gloves to watch the kids play sports. There was a time, not too long ago, that this was quite new to me. In fact, everyday was full of new places and experiences. With wonder, I look upon those days. We threw caution to the wind and sought out a new life.
We arose early on a Wednesday morning and continued packing boxes. Tomorrow the movers were coming and hopefully the house would sell on Friday. As Wednesday turned into Thursday we were still packing boxes. The movers came and started loading as we continued boxing. By late afternoon the truck was loaded.
Mr. Herb’s United moving van with thirteen thousand pounds of our essential possessions headed toward Montana. We headed to Shoney’s motel for the night. After more than thirty-six hours on our feet, we got some much needed rest. Rising early Friday morning, we hoped the sale would proceed as planned. All of our stuff was on a truck going to Missoula, Montana. Quite fortunately, the closing went off without a hitch.
Now officially homeless, we proceeded with “Reckless Abandon”. Our destination was “somewhere around western Montana”. In the meantime we had to get to Missoula and find a place to store our stuff. On Wednesday we secured two 10 X 20 units at Expressway Mini Storage. Heading down into the Bitterroot, we camped that night at Lake Como.
Breaking camp early Thursday morning, we had to get out of the mountains and back to cell service. Mr. Herb would be arriving this day and was scheduled to call for a location to unload his cargo. All went well and our things and we were now out west.
In “The Grapes of Wrath,” the Joads headed for California. The Grandpa Daveys headed for Montana. Both would arrive at their destination when they found it.
We headed north to spend a relaxing weekend exploring the Flathead and Glacier Park.
Monday morning I called on a business to ask what they knew of local employment opportunities. I don’t believe I received an answer to my inquiry, but they did offer me a job. I accepted and two months later I quit this job to do what I do best. I spent the summer pondering. The three and a half months spent contemplating the universe remains high on my list of “best things I’ve ever done”.
With fall’s chill approaching, I took another job. This one lasted until the beginning of July. Summers here are much too glorious to work through.
Again fall approached and I took another job for the winter. The next two summers came and went, yet I remained. I know that I chose this job and remain for a reason. I just wish, sometimes, that I knew the reason.
Some reasons have been suggested to me such as:
1. I’m lazy
2. It’s a gravy job
3. I like three day weekends
4. I get to live in the Last Best Place
While all of these are true, I prefer a seven day weekend. I’m sure that when the time is right, I’ll once again proceed with “Reckless Abandon”.