I’ve been busy working as a model for a company that makes cat-walking harnesses. I am on call to do remote shoots and videos at various outdoor locations. When I am not working, I like to sleep or prowl around the yard, not blog. That’s part of the reason why my column has gotten behind. […]
Breaking Mews
The adventures of a house bound tabby.
Whisker Licking Good Stuff
I had a great Caturday. I started off the day early, and ate a yummy hot breakfast. But you can’t beat what I had as an afternoon snack! While adventuring in the new-found winter wonderland, I caught and ate a whole mouse. Whisker licking good stuff! Later, I got to test the very latest harness […]
It’s National Cat Day?
Somebody woke me up and asked me how I intended to spend National Cat Day. I looked at them like they had a screw loose. “What do you mean…National Cat Day?” I asked. They said it was an internet thing observed on October 29, started in 2005 to bring public awareness to the […]
How I Came to Have Raw, Free-range, Oregon-grape fed Grouse for Dinner
It was a typical Thursday evening. The sky had just begun to pale to a faint indigo-blue color. The temperature was warm, the trees swayed gently in the breeze; this weather was perfect for a walk in the yard. I’d already climbed trees, snacked on a few grasshoppers, and explored various new bushes, and had […]
Cats Get the Blame for Bird Deaths
Why is it that if a feline is in the same vicinity of a dead bird, it almost always gets accused of murder? Don’t domesticated cats born and raised in the United States have rights like any other American? Aren’t we considered innocent until proven guilty? Or has that basic fundamental right changed somewhere along […]
Happy Birthday to Me!
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted and I’m not going to give you a lot of excuses why I haven’t, other than to say that I haven’t felt like it. It’s spring and I’ve been too busy to concern myself with a silly blog. So what have I been doing since “Mewing and […]
Mewing and Shouting in the Woods
Prior to moving into the forest, I wasn’t an incredibly outspoken guy. I’m not the type who’ll go march in the streets in a fight for cats’ rights. For that matter, neither was I very interested in one-on-one communication with others. A lot of things have changed since the move, though. I’ve become friendlier, […]
Wes In a Woodpile
I discovered a new land of mystery and intrigue today. The world of the woodpile. Sure, I’ve crept under there before, but this morning, I really came to appreciate the glory of the pile. I think that the wondrousness of the pile can be attributed to the fact that my “mothers” haven’t bucked any […]
Happy Purrfect Valentine’s Day!
Wessie and Winter
Other than at breakfast and dinner time, I’ve been a trifle aloof. It’s been so darn cold, I have not wanted to leave the cozy warmth of my critter cottage. At this time of year, I prefer to take long naps snuggled in my blankets with my nose tucked under my paws. When I am […]