The best thing about making cherry almond ice cream is eating it! Plucking pits out of cherries with paper clips, sticky red juice splattered over counter-tops and walls, glass jars that must be washed and kept hot in sputtering vats of water lest they break when boiling fruit is added to them is not. But, […]
Tips for Picking Cherries
“See this little bud here, don’t break it off when you pick, it’s next year’s cherries.” Oh my gosh, what responsibility! One false move and my family and I could be responsible for the ruination of next year’s cherry crop! What if I accidentally pick off a bud – or two – or three? Would […]
Flathead Valley Cherry History
According to Flathead Lake Cherry Growers, the first cherry trees planted in Montana were in 1866 by a man named Thomas W. Harris. They were planted in the Bitterroot Valley, which is located about 170 miles from here in Kalispell which is in the Flathead Valley. Growing cherries in the Bitterroot Valley ended, […]