This Northwest Montana winter has had its share of bitter cold, snow, ice, and wind – we needed a break! Cabin Fever Days in Martin City provided an afternoon of respite from Old Man Winter with action-packed excitement in the form of bar stool racing.
Crowds were thinner compared to 2011, but energy was high.
Contestants whooshed down Sugar Hill on bar stools,
milk cans,
and sleds. Okay, so everyone didn’t risk their life zooming down a slippery slope on a bar stool.
This princess got creative and had a unicorn fly her down the snow track safely to the finish line.
Not everyone made it down the hill without a fall.
This crash took out a couple of by-standers. Fortunately everybody rose to their feet and all appeared unhurt. Hopefully their only suffering was in the form of shock and/or embarrassment.
Led Zeppelin music blared in the background until this lively bunch, known as The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly band came by entertaining the crowds with their rendition of Born to Be Wild.
It was a most excellent afternoon of outdoor fun and adventure on Sugar Hill and helped to preserve our sanity during NW Montana’s cabin fever days.
Check out our awesome video of the activities here.