Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight

Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.


My mom has always been a fan of the natural wonders we are blessed to see. Back when we lived in Louisiana, often she would say, “I want to move out west to see the sunsets.” And so she did.

Although I usually roll my eyes or tease when she gushes over sunsets, some are exceptional. At around 4:00, my sister and I convinced our mom to let us go for a walk on 4th Ave. Cell phone in purse, we trooped off on our adventure. This was the first time we had gone this far on 4th Ave., and it was exciting.

One of my favorite things to do is to look at houses and decide if I could imagine it as my own. Humble cottages and stately homes were to be found, but most of the houses we decided we could live in were about the same size and condition as our own.

On the way back from our evening walk, we noticed a spectacular scene. The mottled clouds were set afire with the color pink, and the sky behind a gentle blue. Words nor pictures can describe the beauty of the sunset that night. After a long jog home, I called Mom on the cell phone to tell her to come outside and see the sunset. Astonished, Mom grabbed the camera.

Here is a photo I took around 4:30 p.m. of the December 4 sunset. Have you ever seen a sunset so beautiful?

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