by Marlene
It’s time again for the RMKK – year in review.
- January took us to Big Mountain Ski Resort in Whitefish, Montana where we took an avalanche safety class. We learned a lot and did some hands on training with beacons in a simulated rescue. The lesson on hoar frost was interesting and the snow ghosts were awesome. Our adventure story, “Hoar, Ghosts, and Pits” (with video) recounts the day and gives some useful avalanche safety tips. M’s Musings was introduced and got off to a good start in January.
- February – RMKK began Tweeting!
- The miracle of spring arrived just in time on March 20. Later in the season, the Rocky Mountain Kids took the bumpy ride up the Northfork to camp out in Glacier National Park. It was May and still cool when M & E waded in the picturesque setting of Kinta Lake. The article about the experience, “Dust, Dips, and Bear Tracks”, is entertaining and humorous. One reader was so moved after reading it, she emailed to explain that she was changing her itinerary based on the description of the dusty, tortuous road to the campground. We were also thinking ahead to summertime when we would once again head out to the mountains to go hiking. Then I sprained my ankle.
- June – My ankle healed quickly and I was back on my feet in no time. Summer started off with a rush as a bear charged us on a trail ride in Many Glacier. E stayed calm as she captured the heart pounding experience on video. “Bear Charges Trail Riders” gives the account of the incident from two unique perspectives.
- July found us doing some geocaching around the Flathead Valley and Glacier National Park. RMKK set up their account on where we post pictures and comments about our discoveries. We also enjoyed the World Class Equestrian Event at Rebecca Farm. E hosts the Youtube video about it which includes original music by The Starlight’s.
- August was huckleberry – picking time and E was photographed for the Whitefish Pilot newspaper while picking hucks on Big Mountain. It was also when we realized we were being invaded by grasshoppers!
- October, we had lunch in a strawberry patch. It was the last hike of the season and it was blustery on the mountain. Grandpa Davey gave a super performance putting on his jacket in the video titled, “Man Battles the Elements”, of which you can see on the video bar at the bottom of this page. It began to snow on the way back down the Strawberry Lake trail and we knew winter wasn’t far behind.
This will bring me to a close, although we have had other adventures, many of which are posted on this blog or on my Facebook account.
Have a healthy and prosperous New Year and remember to nurture the kid in you!