Splash Pass (Wow! Free waterpark passes from the library)
The next day after having picked up the free passes we had earned from summer reading, we went to Woodland Waterpark. After getting wet in the shower, we headed out into the swimming area, a place full of many exciting watery attractions; like waterslides and the Lazy River. We headed toward the Lazy River, an appetizer before the exciting waterslides. As we floated around in inner tubes, a lifeguard was talking to Mom, who was not in the water. We found out that unless we passed the water test, we could not use the Lazy River without an adult. Our mom did not have a bathing suit, so we attempted the water test. A woman came along and gave the instructions. Unfortunately, we didn’t pass the test. “E” swam only a few feet, and “M” got worn out on the second part of the test. Mom said she would have to leave the park and buy a suit. Otherwise, we would not be able to enjoy all of the attractions.
Then “E” found out some bad news! She was not tall enough to go on the waterslides whatsoever! The waterslides were what “E” really wanted to go on! Still, our mom set out to buy a swimsuit at Wal-Mart. Upon trying on her selection, no bathing suit seemed to be right! One was too small, and two had V-necks that were too big! Finally, we drove to ShopKo. We were all sure that the right bathing suit would be there. Everyone knew that ShopKo was much better than Wal-Mart! Sure enough, our mom bought a bathing suit. It was beautiful blue with tropical flowers. Then, we returned to Woodland Waterpark.
We went out on the Lazy River with our mom and floated around for a while. Finally, “M” asked if she could go on the waterslide. “Yes,” was the answer. “M” decided to go on the curvy waterslide first. Mom and “E” stood at the bottom, waiting. Finally, after what seemed like half an hour to “E”, (for “M” to go down the slide), “M” splashed into the water. This was her first time in all her ten years on any waterslide, but she accomplished a safe and pleasant ride.
“M” was a little frightened by the straight slide, but a little later, she decided to try it. She looked down below her. There was a very high drop off! As she flew down that drop off, she caught awful air that lifted her off of the slide! Falling, falling, that was what she was doing. “M” thought that the first slide was scary, but this was awful. When she got to the water, her head was hurt! That was not a very nice ride.
Now, since “E” was getting bored of waiting for “M” to go down a waterslide that “E” wasn’t even allowed to go on, we all headed toward the Lazy River. Mom told “E” that she thought about going on the waterslide. “E” said that was fine. After another ride around the Lazy River, we all got off so that Mom could go on the curvy waterslide. “M” said that she could watch “E”. “M” advised Mom to go on the curvy slide, because of her awful experience on the straight slide. “E” wanted Mom to go on the straight one, as you could see people sliding down much better. Mom decided on the curvy one.
We sat by the water that you splash into at the end of the slide, with our feet dangling in its “depths” of 3 ½ feet. Person after person splashed down the waterslide, but none were Mom. But, in a giant splash, there she was! She said that it was too scary for her.
Then, we went into the lap pool. “E”, wore a life jacket, as she had been doing all afternoon at Woodland Waterpark. After a few minutes of swimming we went again on the Lazy River. “E” and Mom floated on a two person inner tube. “M” went on a separate one. A man and a child got in between “M” and the double inner tube with Mom and “E”. “M” had had her feet on the two people raft, but when the man and child got between them, she drifted away. A lady pushed her back to Mom and “E”‘s inner tube. Sometimes “E” went without the inner tube, floating and swimming in her lifejacket.
After some Lazy River fun, “M” asked, “Can I go on the slide again?”
Mom let “M” go once again on the slide. We followed “M” to the start of the long flight of stairs, and “M” started climbing up.
While “M” was doing this, a lifeguard sitting near the base of the slide said to “E” who was looking longingly up the flight of steps, “You look like you could go on the slides.” “Stand there so I can make sure that I’m right,” said the young lifeguard, pointing to a height board dummy.
You had to be 42″ at your chest to go on the slide, if you didn’t pass the swim test.
“That looks all right, but take off the life jacket so I can be sure,” said the lifeguard, after “E” stood by the height board dummy. “E” took off the life jacket.
“You can go on the slide.”
“I can?” “E” gasped happily.
“Yes,” answered the lifeguard nicely.
“Thank you!” said “E” excitedly.
Mom came a little closer, and asked, “Can she wear the lifejacket on the slide?”
“No,” answered the lifeguard.
“E” took off the life jacket, and scrambled up the steps. At the top she read the instructions quickly, and stood in line for the curvy waterslide, since “M” said that the straight slide was terrible. Soon “E” was going down the waterslide, and felt like she was on an Olympic luge.
At the end, “E” fumbled for her footing on the pool’s ground. “E” told the lifeguard that it was really fun, but continued on to see “M” and Mom. It turned out that Mom had already told “M” that “E” had gone on the slide. “E” decided now to do the straight slide. M & E climbed up the steps together. At the top of the slides, “M” hesitated. But she felt obligated to go down the straight slide like “E”. This time, “M” got down safely in the head department, but hurt her arm mildly. “E” hopped on the straight slide, but it went all too fast. She gained air, and hit her head. Water got in “E”‘s nose at the end. M & E went down the slides again and again, but “E” didn’t go on the straight one again.
After an afternoon of swimming, floating, and waterslides, we were tired but excited. Later that evening, we told our dad about all of the fun we had at Woodland Waterpark!
© 8/02/07