Adventure on the edge of the wilderness can take on many forms… My first winter in Montana was a special one. It was different from what I was accustomed to in the south. It was cold, but pleasantly so. Snow blanketed the ground all winter, and for the first time in my life I saw […]
Saturday in the Park
Snow Faces
Adventure on the edge of the wilderness can take on many forms… Don’t limit yourself to boring snow angels, think out of the box, and get crazy this winter! Plunge your face into wet snow and create an optical illusion that looks 3D and convex.
Eye-Popping Color
My 365 Project
To say that I would do anything for a photograph would be a gross overstatement. But I would push the envelope so to speak. It’s been several times now that I’ve been asked, “What are you doing?” as I stand with camera ready to capture scenes of barns, farms, homesteads, and animals. And […]
Abandoned Property: A Photographer’s Dream
From the look of the abandoned property as we approached from the road, it was a photographer’s dream. I envisioned my shots when I saw several run down buildings with tattered wood and collapsing roofs. It was too good to pass up. But from the moment we pulled over, parked, and grabbed our cameras, I […]
A Hike on the Loop Trail in Glacier National Park
Hope you all had a great Father’s Day weekend….skipping stones and all! We were planning on driving the entire Going to the Sun Road, but persistent Pacific storms kept dumping moisture over the region. Weather conditions and an additional 6” of snow fell on the road between Triple Arches and Logan Pass preventing crews from completion […]