Wow! Another blogging year has come to an end. I sincerely hope my family and I have entertained and informed you in 2011. Thank you for visiting RMKK and sharing your lives with us. We are grateful for your feedback and goodwill.
May you have a happy, healthy, and prosperous NEW YEAR!
It has become a tradition to share 12 blog favorites from the past year that we hope you will enjoy revisiting, or reading for the very first time. This year’s articles include adventure, humor, and reminiscences along with some great photographs and videos. We hope you will enjoy them and share your favorites with friends and family!
January – The Mail Slot – Have you ever thought about the things that you have manifested in your life? I did in this article. Everything from a bat hanging on the screen door to the postman that didn’t want to give me my mail.
February – Bar Stool Races in Martin City, the Video – Kalispell teen survives collision with out of control canoe, the driver, Bigfoot, may have been intoxicated. This is a fun article and video of the raucous bar stool races in Martin City.
March – Beauty, Guns, Speed, and Marijuana – Montana has it all! They don’t call it the Last Best Place for nothing.
April – Just Call Me Nobody – Yep, that’s me…Nobody. The liberal news media can be very irritating!
May – The Third Time is the Charm – Big Fish – It takes patience to catch a fish. Find out just how much in this entertaining fish story.
June – Cycling Adventure in Glacier – Hikers, Bikers, and Bears! – While plowing progressed on the upper reaches of the Sun Road, vehicular traffic was stopped at Avalanche. This left the road to hikers, bikers, and bears!
July – Screaming Bigfoot – Cyber screams and name calling. You’ll be shocked at some of the things people say about our video, Screaming Bigfoot.
August – Karma Came and Got Me – That’s how karma works! After writing an article about quitters, karma came and got me on the Highline Trail.
September – Talk About a Blast – In this one I feel like Sara Conner. This article could have been titled – “Happiness is a Warm Gun”.
October – Discover the Little Gems with Geocaching – It’s great to be in the flow! It all fell into place for this extraordinary geocaching adventure. Everything from pictographs to bear scat!
November – So You Want to Move to Montana? -Find out what it’s really like living in Montana …you will have to use an outhouse, get eaten by bears, and possibly get eaten by abominable snowmen.
December – The Saga of the Silver Christmas Tree – A sweet and simple poem about my childhood Christmas Tree.
Have a safe holiday everyone!