While surfing the Internet, I ran across an article about the Girl Scout organization celebrating its 100th anniversary.
In honor of the celebration, Little Brownie Bakers has whipped up a new confection called Savannah Smiles. It is a lemon flavored cookie, dusted in powered sugar. Yummy, no doubt, but it will be hard to beat my all time favorites, Samoas and Thin Mints.
It’s been years since my daughter was a Girl Scout and a long time we’ve had a stash of Thin Mints around the house. For those of you with “cookie time” experience, you will assuredly understand the following memory.
In order for my daughter to earn a cookie badge, she needed to sell a certain amount of cookies. When my daughter didn’t reach her goals (we allowed selling to relatives only, we do not approve of door to door), her dad and I purchased her surplus boxes of cookies. Into the freezer they went, for later use. She received her badge, and we satisfied our sweet tooth. We were happy to do it, and it was the least a parent could do.
As I recall those scouting days, my daughter got everything she needed. I even purchased the official beret that she insisted was necessary to complete the uniform, but hardly ever wore. When she told me that she needed a trowel for the troop’s garden project, I made sure she had one. I remember it was really nice and expensive too. I delivered it to the meeting and later found out that my daughter had been concerned about what I was going to choose. She thought I was going to buy a chintzy one. Just because I’m thrifty, doesn’t mean I’m cheap.
For a couple of years she attended meetings and worked toward receiving badges. As her mother, I did the typical car-pooling, made treats for snack day, and made costumes for the Mardi Gras scout parade.
My daughter’s scouting days came to an end and she was left with a box of Girl Scout memorabilia that I sincerely hope becomes more precious with the passing of time.
It is always in the looking back that we gain a better perspective of who we were, and how we developed into the person we are now.
With that said and done, does anybody know where I can buy a box of Thin Mints?