A protected haven for the mountain goats,
A place for bears to make their den,
Where eagles swoop down to catch a fish,
And ground squirrels burrow deep down.In summer months the flowers bloom,
Indian paintbrush is a deep red,
Glacier lilies grow up out of the snow,
Beargrass waves its stalks in an alpine meadow.People and culture may change with time,
But Glacier stays strong and true.
Rocks erode and rivers widen,
Glaciers may melt and glaciers may grow,But in a land untouched by human feet,
The wild of Glacier will be preserved forever.by Eileen
Recently when I answered the phone (I recognized the name on the caller i.d.), I was completely surprised to hear that Eileen had won first prize in her category for an art contest. I had forgotten that last fall she had entered the annual Student Art Contest with Glacier National Park.
It is such an honor for her poem and artwork to be chosen as it will be made into a postcard and offered to visitors of the park this summer. Her artwork along with the other winning drawings is featured on Glacier National Park’s flickr site. Go on over and take a look. There are some great budding artists out there!
As Eileen continues to hone her skills in various forms of creative artwork, I am happy to report that the Derwent pencil set she received as a gift has been well appreciated.
There are countless awe-inspiring views in Glacier National Park. I imagine Eileen had a difficult time deciding which one to capture for the contest. Ultimately, this photograph she took last August is what inspired her winning drawing.
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