Action and Adventure Photography Tips

Mallory standing on an outcropping on the Scenic Point Trail in Glacier National Park.

What a difference a day makes! The temperature is heating up in NW Montana and snow is melting in the mountains.  Just like the bears, folks have come out of hibernation and warm weather activity has begun.  Soon David, the girls, and I we will head to the mountains for some hiking, camping, and just plain exploring.

Today we’re off on our annual trip to the National Bison Range with a geocaching quest along the way. Our cameras will be hanging around our necks to help us capture all of the action and adventure.

E last year at the National Bison Range.

It’s easy to take good adventure photography and you don’t have to be an expert photographer to do it. And you don’t need an expensive camera or fancy camera gear either.

Most importantly, keep your camera handy at all times. If it’s stuck in your bag, backpack, or even worse on your table at home, you’ll miss plenty of opportunities for some exciting and natural shots.

David and I crossing a snow field on Piegan Pass Trail in Glacier National Park.

Next, think of yourself as a story teller. You and the people around you are the characters in the story.  You are telling a story though your photographs. Scenery is great but think of how interesting it becomes when you capture people participating in the action. Take a shot of people doing what comes naturally to them.   Be prepared to capture the enthusiasm of the adventure whether it be jumping, climbing, laughing or observing wildlife. If they look grumpy and bored, take that too.  Seize the moment and take lots of pictures – you can’t have too many. Remember, a good story must have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

The end of our bike ride on Montana’s historic Rails to Trails.

It’s easy to take good action and adventure photography. Keep your eyes open and snap away.

Now, if you would like to see an example of our adventure photography on facebook, click here.

Everywhere you look, life is an adventure. Come, discover, explore.


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