The Third Time is the Charm – Big Fish

Day 1.  With new tackle, new fishing licenses, and a container of night-crawlers in hand we were off to catch dinner. The new Pine Grove Fishing Pond was in a lovely setting and very impressive. But the skies were cloudy and it was darn cold for April 30th.

Besides fishing, we watched.


We watched other people catch big fish. Finally we gave up and went home.

Other people catch big fish.

Day 2.  After feeling defeated on Day 1, we were determined and went back to the pond the following day. This time we went earlier in the morning.  It was about 38 degrees and foggy. Still dang cold for May 1st.

Fog surrounded a cabin near the pond.

We decided to tempt the fish with a double or even triple whammy. Besides a juicy worm dangling delectably from the line, we added a fire ball or marshmallow and gave it a shot of Lunker Lotion. No fish in its right mind would pass up this delicacy.

Balls of fire and Lunker Lotion

The fish near us were not in their right mind. Or perhaps they were. That’s it, the fish swimming near our lines were highly intelligent creatures, too clever to get caught.

We watched other people catch big fish.

Other people catch big fish.

Finally we gave up and went home.

Day 3.  Five days later, we were back at the pond. The weather was chilly, but warmer than it had been. It was in the evening. You know, when the fish are biting. After a short wait, Mallory’s bobber disappeared and was dragged under.

“You’ve got a fish,” we yelled.

“Reel it in!”

“Be careful, don’t break the line!”

“It’s got to be a big one!”

David grabbed the net.

Rainbow Trout

This time other people watched Mallory catch a big fish.

Mallory and her 7 lb Rainbow Trout

Finally we were successful. We went home and ate fish.



I read in the news that a number of states are considering banning chocolate milk from public schools. Banning this favorite lunchtime treat, it is thought, will improve nutrition and help reduce childhood obesity.


From where I sit childhood obesity has more to do with mothers feeding their kids Pop Tarts for breakfast, McDonald’s for dinner, and candy for dessert, than it has to do with a carton of chocolate milk for lunch.

Some 30 years ago when my son was in second grade he asked the cafeteria lady for chocolate milk. She said they didn’t serve chocolate, but lo and behold, soon after that, they did. My family and my son in particular like to take credit for giving students this choice.

Instead of having unpalatable white milk as when I was in school, (milk was delivered early in the morning and sat outside in the heat unrefrigerated until lunch) kids could have chocolate milk making school lunch a little better.

Even if white milk is chilled today, I think you will find a lot of it in the trash.

It was rare for kids to be fat back then and I think the current obesity problem runs deeper than corn syrup.

Till next time,


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