It has been reported by a spokeswoman for the Gallatin National Forest that a grizzly bear has attacked a Boise, Idaho man near West Yellowstone, Montana.
The attack took place on Wednesday, June 10, when the 34-year old victim, whose name was not immediately released, was hiking alone along a Forest Service road when he surprised a sow and her cub.
He suffered bite wounds to the head, shoulder, arms, torso, and one leg. Spokeswoman Marna Daley says the man was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Rexburg, Idaho.
It seems my blog entries of late have all been about bears!
Grizzlies and black bears have been making their presence known here in Montana.
On a recent hike in the Bowman Lake area of Glacier National Park, we spotted bear tracks and the remains of a deer that had been violently attacked by a predator.
I highly recommend that you make noise and carry bear spray when hiking in the wilderness. Bear spray only costs around $40.00 and has been known to be an effective deterrent. It’s an inexpensive way to help save your life in the event of an attack.
Do not hike alone and remember that bears, as well as other wildlife, use the same trails that people do.

This is not the track of the Boise grizzly, but a fresh bear track on the Bowman Lake Trail, Glacier National Park.
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