I’ll let you in on a big secret. There is more to Montana than mountains, bears, and cowboys. For one, the Flathead Lake Monster lurks in the depths of Flathead Lake and also, dragons cruise its pristine waters. Recently, many of the dragons made an appearance at the first annual Dragon Boat Races in Montana.
The festival was held at the classy Flathead Lake Lodge in Bigfork.
Twelve hundred racers from the Pacific Northwest and Canada participated in the race.
Local groups from around the Flathead also joined in the festivities.
But to tell you the truth, I thought exploring the grounds of Flathead Lake Lodge was a lot more fun than watching the Dragon Boat Races.
There was a built in swimming pool.
Beach volleyball.
Handsome horses for trail rides.
Nosey horses.
Good music.
Attractive lodging.
Vibrant flowers.
Our friends to the north who spend lots of money in Kalispell.
A drone that captured all of our movements.
And a trolley that shuttled us back to our vehicle when it was all over.
Needless to say, I would love to stay at Averill’s Flathead Lake Lodge, sans drone. I prefer a lot more privacy. Lest you think drones always fly around the lodge, I doubt it. They were there as part of the festival coverage and flew over the races. They weren’t there to spy on lodge patrons. At least I hope not!
Everywhere you look, life’s an adventure!
I love Flathead lake, but have never been to this event. I do have some Flathead Dragonhead Cherry Soda in my fridge! Bumped into it in the grocery and nearly fell over…made me homesick for Montana!