Couple sitting on bench in Two Medicine, Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park Centennial

Couple sitting on bench in Two Medicine, Glacier National Park

Couple sitting on bench in Two Medicine, Glacier National Park


One hundred years ago today on May 11, 1910, Glacier National Park was designated our nation’s 10th national park.  For those of you that follow my blog, you know my affection for our nation’s parks and belief that they are all treasures. I encourage you to visit them and discover each one’s unique personality.

Today, I’ve waxed poetic in an article I wrote for my “This and That” column. It’s titled “100 Years of Grandeur”.  I hope you enjoy it and will share it with your friends as part of the park’s Centennial Celebration.

“I first witnessed her magnificence in the middle of winter. Her majesty was draped in deep pure snow. Silence enveloped me in the crisp cold air. It was my first experience with her grandeur and my visit was limited to exploration around the lake. My journey of discovery was only just beginning. It would be five years before I would return to Glacier National Park.”  read more…   

Until next time,

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