M and E took their first solo hike yesterday. The distance wasn’t very far, about 2 miles (they are accustomed to much longer) up the mountain to an overlook in the valley. David and I had gone up there the day before and thought it would be a great place for them to practice hiking without us. Backpacks ready to go, they were given instruction by their Dad, who is always prepared for just about anything.
When we dropped them off at the trailhead, it reminded me of sending my kiddos to their first day of kindergarten, which incidentally I did not experience with these two because I homeschool. I knew they would be okay, because they’ve been hiking since they were tots. Besides, they were familiar with the park because we’ve gone sledding and geocaching in the area. They ate their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at the top and then headed back down. They took about 3 hours to complete the hike and I gave them an A in orienteering.
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