A bearded old man seen living in these hills spending his time busily making shoes, was seen hiding gold coins over the hill at the end of the rainbow.
The little old man was a fairy-like creature and always into mischief. Each time he was seen, the bearded man in the green coat with the funny hat would vanish, as if into thin air.
The towns folk were intrigued by the old man and his gold. They began a search for the gold, but each time they ventured into the hills to find the treasure at the end of the rainbow, the rainbow moved farther away.
Sometimes so far away, they would go to great lengths in search of the Pot ‘O Gold, even climbing mountains.
For years the people of this region have tried and tried to find the treasure that was so deftly hidden by the little man known as “Leprechaun”. Legend has it that it can be found easily, and that many believers have surely done so.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!
For more pictures from the National Bison Range in Moise, Montana click here.