The growing season in Montana is very short. Lawns and Norway Maples have only gotten lush in the last few weeks and it’s only been the last week or so that we have set out flower pots. The garden centers have gotten really busy as most of us are just starting to plant vegetable gardens.
May 31st was the deadline for removing studded tires, and at a recent track meet, the announcer told the freezing crowd that the concession stand had run out of hot chocolate but still had hot chili. I know I’m rattling on, but I’m trying to paint a picture of a typical springtime in the Rockies. It can be the coldest, wettest season, yet sunny and delightfully warm.
Hooper’s is my favorite garden center, and over the weekend we made our annual trek to buy some vegetable plants. By the way, Hooper’s has been doing business in the valley for over 30 years, and they say a good rule of thumb is not to plant when there is still snow on the Swan Range. Well, there is still snow on the mountains, but I’m going to plant anyway. I enjoy shopping at Hooper’s as their plants are superior and they have the most colorful display of flowers. I do believe it surpasses Perino’s on Veterans Hwy. in Metairie. While there, we reminisced about last years visit when we saw the Ozzy Daisy’s and E took this picture with the intention of sharing it with her brother Kyle. One thing led to another and it’s taken us all of this time to post this picture.

Ozzy Daisy from Hoopers Garden Center