While Martin City may not be a balmy Black Sea resort, it is famous for its own form of winter sports. Here we watch brave souls endure brutal wind chills to witness the annual Cabin Fever Days’ bar stool races.
Cross-Country Skiing – Cascade Falls – Glacier National Park
Unlike Yellowstone, Glacier National Park allows no motorized travel during the winter. If you want to explore, you’ll have to bundle up and start walking or gliding. Fortunately last Saturday was a pleasant 15 degrees, a heat wave compared to this whole week. I am curious as to where the liquid water comes from to […]
December in Review – Baking and Sharing
December was about baking and sharing. A blizzard was howling when the guests arrived to Mallory’s end of NaNoWriMo party, but our wood stove kept us warm and toasty inside. David and I enjoyed the company of the parents while the kids discussed their novels. Pretzels and pumpkin brownies that we brought to a potluck […]
Mechanized Logging
With the snow melting and company coming, the sled was not an option for retrieving fuel from the forest. We enlisted the services of Mallory as our new log truck operator. ********************** The thaw creates some slippery conditions. We must rectify that! It’s a dirty job, but some girls have to do it. […]
A Day of Cutting Wood
Adventure on the edge of the wilderness can take shape in different ways… Winter has been dragging on, albeit the weather this season has been mild. Nevertheless, cold and snowy days have taken their toll on our woodpile due to our having to fill the wood stove twice a day in order to keep the […]
10 Scenes to Help You Appreciate Winter
Adventure on the edge of the wilderness can take on many forms… My first winter in Montana was a special one. It was different from what I was accustomed to in the south. It was cold, but pleasantly so. Snow blanketed the ground all winter, and for the first time in my life I saw […]
Saturday in the Park
Kalispell Christmas Spirit Remains Steadfast
Charles Conrad only lived in the beautifully appointed Conrad Mansion for the final seven years of his life. Anyone associated with the Conrads or who descended from the family will attest that those seven years were the most joyous years in the Mansion. One aspect of that brief, happy time was the annual […]
In Search of the Snowy Owl
The last time the snowy owl descended upon the Flathead Valley in large numbers was in the winter of 2005 – 2006. It was my first winter residing here and being a southern gal from New Orleans, I was very impressed with wintertime and snow. Occasionally, I would drive around different parts of the valley […]
Where is Winter?
These days, it’s more like spring than winter in Kalispell. The snow that fell last fall is all but gone and Christmas was more on the brown side than white. The shooting sports instructor has given consideration to raking leaves, and David said he knows someone that drove a motorcycle to work. Those are two things […]