Note: Just so you can’t say I didn’t warn you, there’s a picture of a dead animal at the end of this post.
Adventure on the edge of the wilderness in Montana can take on many forms…
David and I often see deer while cycling along the bike path in Kalispell, and I do enjoy it so. They stare at us and we stare at them. At times they tend to be wary and think that they are hiding from us as they peek from behind tall grass. I love the way the velvet looks on this one’s antlers.
When we see one, we usually see two, and know to be on the lookout for more. Deer are social and live in herds of 3 to 5 animals. Because they are prey animals, living in groups affords them more protection from predators.
Once in awhile, they cross our paths and go bounding up the hill. For having such skinny legs, these critters are super strong and agile.They can scamper up a hill in a flash! I wish I could do that, but I’d look silly and make a fool of myself. Isn’t it rather interesting the way this one’s leaping legs looks like a kangaroo?
One day it was nearing dusk and we were losing the light when David snapped a picture of the twins with his Lumix Model ZS10. Why I am telling you what camera he uses, I am not quite sure, other than you might want to know that it takes good pictures. The twin fawns were at the edge of the woods at Woodland Park when they so graciously turned their precious little faces and David was able to capture their cuteness.
Several days later, we were passing the park and were struck by the sight of a fawn lying in a gravel area near the side of the road. I kind of choked up, but controlled myself because I didn’t want to come across as over-emotional.
We know that death is part of life, but it was sad to see this sweet looking animal meet with an early demise. You might think it’s weird that my husband took a picture of him, but we take pictures of EVERYTHING. And we’ve never been ones to shelter our kids from the facts of life. So having a picture of him in death seems as natural as having one of him in life.
As we looked at the lifeless body David asked, “What did Temple Grandin say?”
“He isn’t in there,” I replied.
And that is right. His spirit was no longer in his body.
Temple Grandin is also quoted as saying,
“Unfortunately, most people never observe the natural cycle of birth and death. They do not realize that for one living thing to survive, another living thing must die.”
I like that. And it suits the death of the fawn quite well. With winter coming, perhaps its twin will be better able to survive.