All weekend long and into Monday…storm warnings, avalanche warnings, blowing snow, wicked windchills…it just wouldn’t quit! Today, we took advantage of the winter wonderland and made snow cream. _______________________ My first taste of snow cream was over a winter vacation to North Carolina. Mom had stayed home while Dad drove my younger brother and […]
A Snowy Autumn Hike to Mount Aeneas
At last – a forecast of “partly sunny” after several days of rain. Now was the opportunity to grab our packs and head out to the Jewel Basin for our annual fall hike.The Jewel has some of the best displays of fall color and I was looking forward to the drive up the mountain to Camp […]
Saturday in the Park
Snow Faces
Adventure on the edge of the wilderness can take on many forms… Don’t limit yourself to boring snow angels, think out of the box, and get crazy this winter! Plunge your face into wet snow and create an optical illusion that looks 3D and convex.
The Pleasure of Raking Leaves, a New Snow Blower, Breadsticks
Adventure on the edge of the wilderness can take on many forms… It was a nuisance changing the chainsaw blade. After we accomplished that, the girls bucked more wood for the woodpile and I took to the task of raking the last of the maple leaves. The leaves were pretty, but I […]
Where In the World Is Wes?
My last entry was a bit of a cliffhanger- eh? I like it to be that way sometimes as I feel it keeps up the suspense. Many a cat’s life is lacking in suspense, if you think about it. So as we know from my most recent article, some big changes have occurred in […]
What is Pond Skimming?
What is Pond Skimming? Pond skimming is an annual springtime event at ski resorts that dates back for decades. For the uninitiated – such as myself a few days ago- pond skimming involves skiing down a snowy slope into a pond while attempting to cross to the other side without falling into the icy […]
Where is Winter?
These days, it’s more like spring than winter in Kalispell. The snow that fell last fall is all but gone and Christmas was more on the brown side than white. The shooting sports instructor has given consideration to raking leaves, and David said he knows someone that drove a motorcycle to work. Those are two things […]
The Big Tire Adventure!
Costco really should give out numbers at their tire center. You pick a number when you go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and you also pick a number at Economical’s deli department so you’ll know when it’s your turn to be served. It makes everything nice and efficient; there’s no rushing to get a […]
A Watched Pot Never Boils
A watched pot never boils. If you’ve ever boiled an egg, you know this is true. You wait and wait and wait, and nothing happens until you walk away. Then, voila! The water starts bubbling like crazy, and in 10 minutes (13 minutes in Kalispell, higher elevation instructions for hard-boiled eggs), you have eggs […]